Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

Life is a journey - go your own way

Life is a long way to find yourself and know who you are and what you want. As a child you go to the nursery school and have your first experience with other children and without your parents.

After that you go to the secondary school. You find your first friends and learn to integrate yourself. As a teenager you find your first love and you probably have your first conflict. In your family you find confidence and cohesion. You can always count on them. In life there are ups and downs somtimes you have luck and somtimes bad luck. You should follow your dreams and destinations. But life is a journey to death at the end you will die, so enjoy every day in your life.

Zahme Vögel singen von Freiheit, wilde Vögel fliegen.

LIfe is a journey

Life is a journey, because there are ups and downs in our life. They are in all areas of life, for example at school, at work and in the own family. Ups at school are for example good marks and the exam - if you passed well. Sometimes the kids get a reward. But there are downs too, for example if you change the school, when you have bad marks or when there is mobbing. Often there are children who have conflicts with other children or with their parents and then these children do not work enough for school because they are worried.

But there are other areas which are important on your journey through life, for example being together as a family. There are a lot of good times, for example a wedding or a birth. Then the family is so happy and can remember happy moments. But in family life there are also sad periods, for example if there is a separation or divorce of a couple or the death of a beloved family member. In every period of our lives there are lots of ups and downs .

Life is a journey - with many problems

Yes, life is a journey with many ups and downs

Our life is a journey because there are many problems in our lives.
In school there are many problems. For example bad marks in tests or disputes with classmate and teachers.But there are some good things at school.Relationships often start in school.
Relationships are a journey,too.To get to know someone, fall in love,maybe marriage,having children, conflicts, breaking up, separation and divorce and all the rest that follows. A relationship can be good and harmonic but a lot of relationships do not last so long.
Another example is the job.A job is sometimes very hard but without a job there is no money. The life is a journey and this journey of life is never ending, otherwise it would be very boring :)

Life is challenging

Life is a journey

In life there are ups and downs, you have luck or sometimes you have bad luck. There are a lot of rules, that some people break. In life we must all find ourselves and every journey is ending with the death. Many people have dreams and not all come true. Someday people fall in love with someone and later they have their first conflict when one of them is jealous of someone. Adults get married and have children, but some partnerships break up. In the nursery school children make their first experience with other children and they are without their parents for the first time. When they come to school, they learn new things and they must integrate in a group. After school young people have an interview for a job and when they are good, they must do a work experience. Hobbies are exciting, too. For example playing football is a kind of fight, because all want to shoot goals. When people go out dancing they have another kind of challenge when they want to get to know new people. But the family is very important for everyone, because the members of our families are always most important in our lives.

Montag, 30. Mai 2011

Life is a journey

It is a long way before you can start an apprenticeship.
When you are a small child, you go to a nursery school. You learn to get along with other children, and you have a lot of fun and many nice friends.
In the time at school, you learn about the history of your country and of other countries, or you learn about Geography. It is important for the people to know where they live and where other people in the world live. After school time you can work every day and hopefully earn a lot of money. When you have enough money, you can build a house or you visit a lot of wonderful sights in other countries.
The journey goes on.