Dienstag, 12. April 2011

Moscow - my favourite city

My favorite place in Russia is Moscow.

It is fascinating how such a masterpiece was built. The Kreml is the oldest part of Moscow, it was built in medieval times.
Moscow, gateway to the past, mirrors the Zar era, red as blood. Many know that Moscow, the capital city of Russia and one of the biggest and most booming cities in the world is ranked 15 with nearly 15 million people in urban areas.
So here are some facts about Moscow: it is a metropolis in the heart of Russia and the political and cultural centre of the country. Since the 16th century Moscow is known as the "Third Rome", even so, since there are over 600 churches in Moscow. The see of the Russian Orthodox Church is in Moscow The Supreme Patriarch lives in the Danilov Monastery.

PS. I found a text on Wikipedia and translated with the help of Google translator

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