Samstag, 16. April 2011

My country - Denmark

The Kingdom of Denmark is a state in Northern Europe and was founded 980 B.C. The capital is Copenhagen and the official language is Danish. The neighboring states are Norway, Sweden and Germany. the longest river is the Gudena°“, which has a length of 160 km. The biggest lake is the „Arresø“ with an area of about 40 km². The head of the state is Queen Margarethe II.
Many houses have one floor and are made of wood. The beaches are very spacious and not overcrowded. You can releax well, because most houses are far apart. There aren't so many sights,although Copenhagen is a really nice city, but the little „ Virgin of the sea“ is the emblem of Denmark.
My favourite musicians from Denmark are „Aura Dione“ and „Alphapet“,I love the style of clothes in Denmark and I‘m pleased to go there again every year.

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