Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

LIfe is a journey

Life is a journey, because there are ups and downs in our life. They are in all areas of life, for example at school, at work and in the own family. Ups at school are for example good marks and the exam - if you passed well. Sometimes the kids get a reward. But there are downs too, for example if you change the school, when you have bad marks or when there is mobbing. Often there are children who have conflicts with other children or with their parents and then these children do not work enough for school because they are worried.

But there are other areas which are important on your journey through life, for example being together as a family. There are a lot of good times, for example a wedding or a birth. Then the family is so happy and can remember happy moments. But in family life there are also sad periods, for example if there is a separation or divorce of a couple or the death of a beloved family member. In every period of our lives there are lots of ups and downs .

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