Donnerstag, 24. März 2011


Osterholz-Scharmbeck is in Niedersachsen. In Osterholz-Scharmbeck you can go to the cinema, you can go shopping and you can go swimming in the allWetterbad. There is a McDonalds restaurant, too. Many people live in Osterholz-Scharmbeck. There are a lot of stores like Marktkauf, Lidl, Rossmann, Rewe, Fielmann, Expert Benning and many more. You should know that I like to go shopping in my free time.
Osterholz-Scharmbeck is very central . You can take the train to visit Bremen, it takes only 15 - 20 minutes.


I describe the Greek island Crete. On Crete people are very nice and friendly, and the language is very different. Crete is the biggest island of Greece.
All the time the weather was warmer than in Germany and the sea is warmer, too.
The food in Greece is very good, I like the food there.
Many people in Greece are poorer than people in Germany, they live in small houses and the temperature in the summer is very hot.


Bremen is a city and its own federal state of Germany, because it has been a free city for a long time. It is located in the north of Germany. It has a population of 547.685 inhabitants on an area of 325,42 km². It is a "Hanse" city. This means that in former times they traded over the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Today merchants trade worldwide. Werder Bremen is the very popular soccer team of Bremen, the stadium is called the "Weserstadion".It lies very close to the River Weser.


In my last summer holidays I went with my sister to Arendsee. Arendsee is the name of a small town and a lake.
Every day we went swimming with our friends.We slept at my grandparents´.
My grandparents´ neighbours were very nice and we often sat there until the middle of the night.
One day we went by bus to Salzwedel and went shopping and to the cinema.
These summer holidays were very funny .

The terrace - my favorite place

I want to tall you something about my favorite place.
It is the terrace in my mother's house. I like sitting there outside. When the weather is fine and it is warm , I take my armchair and put it on the terrace. I often sit there and take my lunch and enjoy the nature. So I can listen to the birds and I like reading books and magazines. Sometimes my sister or my friends come outside and we play cards or other games. It is really fun. So I hate winter time because I can't sit outside. But now spring and summer are near and I can enjoy the nice atmosphere on the terrace.


I live in Germany, in Grasberg near Bremen. There are about 7600 inhabitants. Grasberg is a little village with all that you need. There are three supermarkets, one hair cutter, a shoe shop and two banks. Sometimes there is a little party for the teenagers in Grasberg. Grasberg is similar to all other small German places no matter where you live .

But when you come from a big city, for example London, Berlin, New York, I can say I'm happy that I live in the country. We have some farmers in Grasberg. One of the famers is one of the biggest famers in Northern Germany. When you want to know where I live have a look at a map of Germany. Normally you can see where Grasberg lies. You must look for Niedersachsen and than Bremen. Grasberg lies north-east from Bremen.

Mittwoch, 23. März 2011


Poland is a country in Central Europe. The area of Poland is 312,679 kilometres. The language is Polish. Poland is the 9th largest country in Europe. Poland has a population of over 38 million people.The capital of Poland is Warschau. Poland is in the EU and they have the Zloty. In Poland, there are a lot of interesting cities. Krakau or Danzig are old and very famous cities. A famous dish in Poland is the "Krakauer Wurst". Poland is the birthplace of many famous personalities. Frederic Chopin was a famous composer.

Summer holidays in Turkey

Last year my best friend and I flew to Turkey by plane. There we got to know very nice people. They came from all over the world. One of them spoke English, that
was not a big problem for us, because we could speak enough English to
understand them.
We went to the beach every day, we went swimming in the sea and in the pool, we ate delicious food, drank cocktails, or simply lay in the sun. We
had so much fun. In the evening we went to parties, went into the cinema or we
visited restaurants.
Sometimes we went to the beach in the evening and swam in the
sea. We had so much fun. It was the best summer of my life!


My Report about Romania:
The capital of Romania ist Bucharest.Romania has 21.498.616 inhabitants and the surface amounts to 238.391 qkm.President Traian Basescu is the chief of state.The head of government is the prime minister Emil Boc.
Romania is in the south-east of Europe close to Black Sea.Romania shares borders with five states: Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, the Ukraine and Moldavia. Since 2007 Romania has been a member of the European Union.
90% of the popultaion are Romanians and 7% are from Hungary.They all speak Romanian as the official language.
Romanian specialities are grilled meat-balls,sausages with garlic and a kind of pastry roll with sour cream and cheese.

Dienstag, 22. März 2011


It was all so different in Fuerteventura: it was 40° in the shadow. The houses were very different from houses in German. Our hotel was really close to the beach, only 200 meters away from the coast. We were near the ocean and the ocean was of such a beatiful blue. The people were so friendly in Fuerteventura. They have some other customs and traditions, but it was reallly interesting to see fireworks in the middle of the year. I was so often swiming in the ocean the water was so warm and blue.


It was all so different in Turkey. The people there were very poor, poorer than in Germany. And the language of course, was different and the houses in Turkey look different from the houses in Germany. The weather is much warmer than in Germany and the sea is warmer, too. Turkey is bigger than Germany. The people there have less food than the people in Germany. In Turkey the children can not all go to school, because they must often help in the house. But there are a lot of nice things like the wonderful hotels on the Mediterranean Sea. My impression was that the hotels are really good, maybe even better than in Germany. The staff is so friendly and always nice to the guests.
But I think the life in Germany is better, because people in Germany can all go to school, have enough to eat and a higher standard of living and I also prfer the climate here.


In Bulgaria live 7.72 million people. The Bulgarian territory includes about 110.910 km² with a population density of 70 inhabitants per km². The capital of Bulgaria is Sofia. Bulgaria joined the EU in 2004. Head of state is president Georgi Parvanov.
Bulgaria has been inhabited since the Stone Age. A golden treasure was found in Varna many years ago and is recognized as the oldest archaeological finding. Football and sailing are the most popular sports in Bulgaria. There are many architects, artists, musicians, actors, writers and poets in Bulgaria.
The tourism in Bulgaria is divided into several areas, for example recreation and aquatic tourism, hunting tourism, winter sports and cultural tourism. The mass tourism on the Black Sea coast is very well developed.
The rivers Donau and Maritza flow through Bulgaria There are two big mountains,the Stara Planina and the Rhodopen. The highest mountain is the Musala. Adjacent countries are Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Yugoslavia and Turkey. There are always hot summers and relatively cold winters in Bulgaria. Natural resources in Bulgaria are bauxite, copper, lead, zinc, coal and wood.


It is all so different in Spain, because the weather is so hot and the ocean tastes like salt.The capital of Spain is Madrid.Spain is in the EU and they have the Euro.A famous food in Spain is Paella.The people were friendly and helpful when we had a problem.In Spain, there are a lot of interesting big cities s.Real Madrid and the FC Barcelona are famous football clubs in Spain.In Spain, there are some of the best islands for spending holidays, the most famous island is Mallorca.German people often visit the Spanish islands.

Montag, 21. März 2011


Spain is in the south of Europe. The language is Spanish and the capital is Madrid. The neighbouring states are France and Portugal. Head of the state is King Juan Carlos. In Spain live 46.1 million people. Spain is a member of the EU. Mallorca, Ibiza and Gran Canaria are famous and popular islands . The highest mountain is the Pico de Teide on Tenerife. The climate in Spain is very sunny. The sun often shines and rain is rather unusal. Spain is a really popular holiday country. Tourists can travel to the seaside or visit fantastic sights like the castle Alhambra or the Prado museum. Spain is such a famous country, because there are a lot of interesting things to do.

Donnerstag, 17. März 2011


I talk about Sweden. People speak Swedish,of course. The Swedish education system has four components: preschool,school,colleges and universities and adult education. Compulsory education is nine years (7 to 16 years),which follows a voluntary three-year high school visit.
Sweden is a country with open spaces,fresh air and beautiful lakes with clean water. Folk music,art,music,film and sport are popular.A favourite meal in Sweden is the marinated salmon.
A typical festival is the Midsommarfestival. The Midsommarfestival is celebrated in June on the first Friday night after June 21. This is like Christmas for us. A tourist attraction in Sweden is the Kebnekaise,the highest mountain in Sweden. The coolest animal in Sweden is the elk. He is sometimes right in front of your window :)

The little forest - my favourite place

My favourite place is the little forest behind my mother´s house.When I was a little child I often played hide and seek with my friends.Most of the time it was really funny.But then the little forest should be destroyed by a big car firm.We were very shocked and angry.Our little forest should be razed to the ground.
The little waterfall in the middle of the forest shouldn´t be there anymore.
My friends and I started to asked for people´s signatures in the neighbourhood .We got over 1000 signatures and rescued the forest.The car firm was angry but this wasn´t our problem.We were so happy!

But then my mother moved to OHZ and we didn´t see the little forest anymore. But we have rescued the forest and this is really wonderful!
Now other children can play hide and seek there - like me, when I was a child.

My bed : ) - my favourite place

My favorite place in my free time is my bed, beacause my bed is warm, very soft and fluffy. The special thing about my bed is that it is full with water. Yes, it is a waterbed. It is better for your back. And I can say: when you sleep in it for one or two weeks , you can be sure that you will never want to sleep on a normal bed!

I hope you sleep well in your next night! ;)

The Netherlands

It was all so different: In the Netherlands the people speak another language, they speak Dutch. It's a language which sounds a bit like a mixture of English and German. In the Netherlands all bikes have priority in the traffic. Around this country are Belgium, Luxemburg and Germany. The Netherlands are at the North Sea. The capital is Amsterdam. The Netherlands are in the EC and they have the Euro. The city of Amsterdam is famous for its coffee- shops. It is said that it is easy to buy drugs there.