Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

The little forest - my favourite place

My favourite place is the little forest behind my mother´s house.When I was a little child I often played hide and seek with my friends.Most of the time it was really funny.But then the little forest should be destroyed by a big car firm.We were very shocked and angry.Our little forest should be razed to the ground.
The little waterfall in the middle of the forest shouldn´t be there anymore.
My friends and I started to asked for people´s signatures in the neighbourhood .We got over 1000 signatures and rescued the forest.The car firm was angry but this wasn´t our problem.We were so happy!

But then my mother moved to OHZ and we didn´t see the little forest anymore. But we have rescued the forest and this is really wonderful!
Now other children can play hide and seek there - like me, when I was a child.

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