Donnerstag, 24. März 2011


I live in Germany, in Grasberg near Bremen. There are about 7600 inhabitants. Grasberg is a little village with all that you need. There are three supermarkets, one hair cutter, a shoe shop and two banks. Sometimes there is a little party for the teenagers in Grasberg. Grasberg is similar to all other small German places no matter where you live .

But when you come from a big city, for example London, Berlin, New York, I can say I'm happy that I live in the country. We have some farmers in Grasberg. One of the famers is one of the biggest famers in Northern Germany. When you want to know where I live have a look at a map of Germany. Normally you can see where Grasberg lies. You must look for Niedersachsen and than Bremen. Grasberg lies north-east from Bremen.

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