Montag, 6. Juni 2011

Life is a Journey

In the course of your life there are many highlights. This begins with the little ones who start with all the new impressions experiences while growing up, and when they are grown up they get degrees and licenses.
Learning to speak or walk is not just for oneself a great experience, but also calls attention to our parents and others. Already in kindergarten, one is prepared for the future life: You learn to deal with others, sometimes you must learn to compromise and accept others until you are integrated in a group.
Then, when you start school, you feel happy and excited, but it becomes more difficult later. Your positive feelings will gradually change when the school becomes more stressful and difficult. Recreation can be found in the afternoon, when dealing with friends or learning things like riding a bicycle at home in your free time. A very important point about confirmation is not exactly becoming a full member of the church if you want to be, but that you become aware of how important family is.
From now on life as a teenager is determined by parties, first love, and of course work and fun at high school. After the wild years and a successfully passed school certificate and obtaining a driver's license, you can start with the career. With a secure future ahead you can start to think about getting married and have children.And the journey of life goes on and on.

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