Dienstag, 29. November 2011

Links - Germany

I noticed that both links Germany are broken, but I won´t replace them, one can´t be seen in Germany any longer, the other one is private. They were some of the best I found, there are lots on Youtube, many of them do not reflect a realistic image of Germany - in my opinion. So please take your own choice.......

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011

Life is a Rollercoaster Ride

Our life is a journey, because we live through many periods of life, for example from a baby to a child, from a child to a teenager and from a teenager we grow up to be an adult and go on living until we are old.

In our lives there are ups and downs, there are bad times and good times. When you were a baby you learned to speak and to walk. As a teenager you live through a time everybody knows as 'puberty'; then you are often cranky and mom and dad are just silly.

But when you will later have children of your own you will have the same problems your parents had with you - when you have become a mother or a father, you, too, should not try only to suit your teenage children or be too generous and fulfil all their wishes.

After a life full of work and responsibilty with hopefully many good and happy moments your journey approaches its end. Maybe you will have a nice, relaxing life with many enjoyable moments, maybe you will become sick and need help. But while you are about to arrive at the end of your journey, your grand-children will start theirs.

And the journey of life begins again.

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

Life is a Journey - Work and Fun

In the summer I like lying on the beach with my family. But I also like to be active: My hobbies in my life are football, volleyball and the fire brigade. In my free time I help my father very often. My dream job is roofer(Dachdecker). I like the work outside and to be in the fresh air and it is great to work on high buildings. I am not afraid of the height.

With my parents I was very often in the Südsee-Camp, this is a campsite in the Lüneburger Heide. But the best holiday of my life was in Munich 2006 where I visited the area of the FC Bayern München: I saw the training grounds, the stadium Allianz Arena, the Olympiapark and Michael Ballack going for a walk in his free time.

Last year I was with my family in Turkey. We were there during the summer holiday for ten days and it was all so good and relaxing. All the day we were lying in the sun on the beach. (Go to top).

Freitag, 10. Juni 2011

The journey of life.......

... is a circle

Our life is a never-ending journey, because it's a long long way until you have become old and weak and maybe suffer.

When you are a baby you must learn everything, like walking or speaking. Then, as a little child you go to the nursery school and you learn how to deal with other children. As a teenager the problems start with your first love, your first lovesickness, your relationships, the pubery, the first job, too many hobbies... This is the most difficult part of your journey, I think.

As an adult life becomes more serious because you have many commitments , you must go to work, bring your children up and care for other things. When you are retired and a senior citizen, then life is not so diffucult as for a teenager or an adult because you can enjoy your life and invite to coffee parties, for example.

Sometimes life seems to be very hard but I know everybody will reach the aim at the end of the journey.

Life is a journey

My life is a really interesting journey. Already as a child, I loved much action : when I was younger than 10 years I liked it a lot to climb on trees.
Now I work every day and I like this, too.I like to screw on cars and tractors - this is so interesting. Also in my free time I am a very active person: I play football with my brothers and I go swimming and do other things like that. I like a lot of action in my life because then it is not so boring and keeps you fit.
And my family and I went on holiday so often, to Fuerteventura, Tenerife, Lanzarote and Mallorca. It was so cool on these islands, so warm and sunny, and the hotels were great, too: the lunch was fantastic, it was more than you could eat.
I am very content with my life at the moment and I hope it will continue like this

Life is a journey

My life started in 1994. I was born in Bremen. But I live in Grasberg. This is the village where I grew up. First I attended the primary school where I spent a really nice time. I got to know a lot of friends there and had a lot of fun with them. Then, after 4 years I went to the Findorffschule. There I also had my friends around me. With them them I could talk and solve problems, we worked and learned together and we also had fun. But in the summer of this year I will leave the FSG and I will continue my education at the BBS OHZ.

When I was young I met my good friend Justine. I had so much fun with her and we did a lot of things together. I could talk to her and go out and we spent much time together, we visited other friends and did a lot more. Also today she is a really good friend for me. Our friendship hasn´t changed, we do the same things as some years ago. But we have become teens, so today we can do a few things more, we go to parties, for example. I also have a boyfriend for nearly a year now. Last year I met him on a party and then we got to know each other. We understood each other really well and so we spend a lot of time together.

These were just a few thoughts about my life. To me, friends are most important and I hope I will always meet nice people.


Life is a journey

In your life you can see a lot of sights all over the world. But before you can start your travel life you must learn many things.In school you learn foreign languages and you learn about the culture of other countries in the world.And you have to save a lot of money before you can start your world trip. And you can only save money from your earnings if you work hard in your job. But before you have a good job you must work and learn for a very good school leaving certificate. Then you can choose your job. And then, when you have saved enough money you can start your world trip. You will have a lot of fun on your world trip and after your trip you will have gained much more experience. Now I wish you many funny experiences - work hard, earn much money, save enough and then get your ticket!!

Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011

Life is a journey

The beginning of the journey is when you are a baby. When you are six you start to go to school for at least ten years. After school you begin an apprenticeship. And then? Who knows.......

Life is a journey filled with heartaches, joys, special moments and also worries. We all have to find our goals in life. This way is not easy, during our journey there are many challenges to face. All your lifetime there is good luck and bad luck. Most people have a family with kids and they enjoy this. Education is important, else we don´t come far – neither in our professional life nor in our relationship to other people. We should not plan our life, because we don't know what the future will bring and what will come up to us. There are never only smooth ways on the road of your life. You have many dreams and can only try to make them come true.

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011

Life is a Journey

Your journey starts when you are a baby. In your life you have to go many different roads. At the age of six you go to school, when you are at school you have to do an internship and I hope that you get lots of work experience during this period. After school you could do an apprenticeship, but you don´t get much money. But you could also continue your school education.

Later you want to find a good job and earn much money
In your private life you maybe want to find the one big love and/or marry
and have children.

Today you could travel all over the world. You could travel by train, by plane, by car or by ship, wherever you want to go and whatever you want to see - if you have enough time and money......
In diesem Sinne viel Spaß!!! Have fun and don´t get lost!

Montag, 6. Juni 2011

Life is a Journey

In the course of your life there are many highlights. This begins with the little ones who start with all the new impressions experiences while growing up, and when they are grown up they get degrees and licenses.
Learning to speak or walk is not just for oneself a great experience, but also calls attention to our parents and others. Already in kindergarten, one is prepared for the future life: You learn to deal with others, sometimes you must learn to compromise and accept others until you are integrated in a group.
Then, when you start school, you feel happy and excited, but it becomes more difficult later. Your positive feelings will gradually change when the school becomes more stressful and difficult. Recreation can be found in the afternoon, when dealing with friends or learning things like riding a bicycle at home in your free time. A very important point about confirmation is not exactly becoming a full member of the church if you want to be, but that you become aware of how important family is.
From now on life as a teenager is determined by parties, first love, and of course work and fun at high school. After the wild years and a successfully passed school certificate and obtaining a driver's license, you can start with the career. With a secure future ahead you can start to think about getting married and have children.And the journey of life goes on and on.

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

Life is a journey - go your own way

Life is a long way to find yourself and know who you are and what you want. As a child you go to the nursery school and have your first experience with other children and without your parents.

After that you go to the secondary school. You find your first friends and learn to integrate yourself. As a teenager you find your first love and you probably have your first conflict. In your family you find confidence and cohesion. You can always count on them. In life there are ups and downs somtimes you have luck and somtimes bad luck. You should follow your dreams and destinations. But life is a journey to death at the end you will die, so enjoy every day in your life.

Zahme Vögel singen von Freiheit, wilde Vögel fliegen.

LIfe is a journey

Life is a journey, because there are ups and downs in our life. They are in all areas of life, for example at school, at work and in the own family. Ups at school are for example good marks and the exam - if you passed well. Sometimes the kids get a reward. But there are downs too, for example if you change the school, when you have bad marks or when there is mobbing. Often there are children who have conflicts with other children or with their parents and then these children do not work enough for school because they are worried.

But there are other areas which are important on your journey through life, for example being together as a family. There are a lot of good times, for example a wedding or a birth. Then the family is so happy and can remember happy moments. But in family life there are also sad periods, for example if there is a separation or divorce of a couple or the death of a beloved family member. In every period of our lives there are lots of ups and downs .

Life is a journey - with many problems

Yes, life is a journey with many ups and downs

Our life is a journey because there are many problems in our lives.
In school there are many problems. For example bad marks in tests or disputes with classmate and teachers.But there are some good things at school.Relationships often start in school.
Relationships are a journey,too.To get to know someone, fall in love,maybe marriage,having children, conflicts, breaking up, separation and divorce and all the rest that follows. A relationship can be good and harmonic but a lot of relationships do not last so long.
Another example is the job.A job is sometimes very hard but without a job there is no money. The life is a journey and this journey of life is never ending, otherwise it would be very boring :)

Life is challenging

Life is a journey

In life there are ups and downs, you have luck or sometimes you have bad luck. There are a lot of rules, that some people break. In life we must all find ourselves and every journey is ending with the death. Many people have dreams and not all come true. Someday people fall in love with someone and later they have their first conflict when one of them is jealous of someone. Adults get married and have children, but some partnerships break up. In the nursery school children make their first experience with other children and they are without their parents for the first time. When they come to school, they learn new things and they must integrate in a group. After school young people have an interview for a job and when they are good, they must do a work experience. Hobbies are exciting, too. For example playing football is a kind of fight, because all want to shoot goals. When people go out dancing they have another kind of challenge when they want to get to know new people. But the family is very important for everyone, because the members of our families are always most important in our lives.

Montag, 30. Mai 2011

Life is a journey

It is a long way before you can start an apprenticeship.
When you are a small child, you go to a nursery school. You learn to get along with other children, and you have a lot of fun and many nice friends.
In the time at school, you learn about the history of your country and of other countries, or you learn about Geography. It is important for the people to know where they live and where other people in the world live. After school time you can work every day and hopefully earn a lot of money. When you have enough money, you can build a house or you visit a lot of wonderful sights in other countries.
The journey goes on.

Samstag, 16. April 2011

My work experience as an office clerk

My first work experience was as an office clerk. I worked in the bureau at Finkeisen. The bureau was quite small and there were only 3 employees in it. There all were very friendly. On the first day the boss showed me the whole business. I sorted the folders and worked with the computer so often. I worked with Excel and Word , for example.
I made the coffee every day and sometimes I went to the bread shop Tanzen or Bäcker Blanke to get donuts and other bakery products. I designed the work plan and the folders, too. When I was bored and there was nothing to do for me I was allowed to play games on the computer, that made fun. I worked from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. every day. This was my best work experience.

My work experience at Nabertherm, Lilienthal

In my free time I often work for my parents, I help them with farming. I had two internships. Both were in Lilienthal. One of these companies was Nabertherm GmbH. That is my favorite company, because the work there is very good and interesting. And the working atmosphere is good, too, people are very friendly and helpful. In my internship,I learned many interesting things there. On their homepage they explain that they do thermal engineering for professional applications and offer the widest product range in the world. They can find professional solutions for all needs - standard and customized. It is a manufacturing company which has more than 60 years of experience and has worldwide customer relationships.About 350 people work at Nabertherm. On 1st August I will start an apprenticeship there. And I am very happy about that. :)
If you want some more information about this outstanding company you can visit their homepage:

My work experience

The name of the company where I passed my work experience is Dodenhof.It has been existing for 101 years.There are 900 employees.They deals with lots of different article: sports article, furniture, fashion, food, technical equipment and other things.
It was a really nice time, the employees were friendly and when I had a problem, they helped me and they gave me some advice.We had a lot of fun. I was in the sports sector, because I am interested in sports, and the articles were interesting for me.I saw many customers, most of them were friendly. We talked about my internship and they asked me, where I went to school.In the evening, I was very tired.
It was a long day, and that was a difficult job.

Internship at an interior design company

My internship was at the Stil House. It is an interior design company.
My responsibility was to help the plasterers.I had to mix the filler, bring equipment or make coffee.
When the room is finished, the objects must be placed inside. I had to give the fitters the things they need, e.g. the right screw, sometimes I could work myself. The best was the break we had a whole hour for lunch and the company has a canteen of its own. Those who have finished their meal and still have time can go into the break room, there you can sleep or play together with the colleagues on the console.
I liked my internship, at times it is tiring but it is not stressful at all, everybody what he or sheshould and we always finished on time.

Internship at a hairdresser´s

I made my internship in a hairdressing salon.The intership took two weeks.
It wasn´t funny.In the two weeks I did not learn much, I only had to sweep hair .
But I was allowed to cut the hair of a friend and I also had a doll to practice .
I made her a perm or a water wave.The funniest thing was to made the updo.
Being a hairdresser is a very strenuous job.After the first day my back ached.That wasn´t nice.
But all in all is the hairdresser a
nice job for those who like it.
I couldn´t imagine to learn the job from a hairdresser, but the intership was nice.
I would always do my next intership in a hairdresser´s salon again, although my dream job is being a shop assistant!

My Internship as a machinist

In one of my internships, I was a machinist. Most of the time I was looking what the employees did. You ask you why I only watched what they did? I can tell you that not every boy or girl can't do this job. The only thing that you can do is cut the metal and grind the metal or you get the settings of the machine. But all that you must know for programming the machine you will learn in the education. I asked very many questions to the employee.
In abother internship, in the same firm but with another team, I could cut metal and could oil the machines. And what was the best, I could work with an old machine one section of the tail.

My internship at a florist´s

I did an internship at a florist´s. This placement lasted for two weeks. Most of the time I worked together with the other employees and I had to talk to clients and advise them on their choices . During the internship I was able to make various things such as spring flower arrangements, I also made decorations for special events and delivered flower arrangements.
There was nothing which I did not like and the work was really fun. And I enjoyed the working climate - all colleagues were very nice to me.I really found my future dream job by this internship.

My work experience as an office clerk

My work experience was in the Community of Grasberg. My first day was in the anteroom, and every day I was in another department. My tasks were zo go to the bank and mainly to help the citizen when there was someone who needed an information.I helped the citizen filling out blanks. The employees were really friendly and helpful. And I chose this profession because it makes fun. My working hours were from 8 o'clock until 13 o'clock and on Thursdays from 14: 30 o'clock by 17 o'clock. One day I assisted to prepare the conference room for a meeting. I really liked all these different kinds of work, especially helping other people and giving them information, and I think this is the right kind of job for me.

After school - becoming a florist

After school I´am going to training as a florist.
There I will have much contact with customers, eg suggestions on various types of flowers, information for weddings and more.
The school I am going to is in Bremen, where I have to learn the German as well as the Latin names of flowers.
I like this job because I like have to contact with people , and I also want to learn a job in which you need technical skills.
I'am good at Sport and Biology and this is important for this job, as I have to stand or walk around all day long, and I also have to know about nature and plants.

My work experience in a hotel

I made a work experience in a hotel which is called “Worpsweder Tor“. It's a hotel that delongs to the 4 stars category. I made a work experience there two years ago. There were 20 employees. They worked eight hours a day and 40 hours per week. I had to clean the floor, the windows and the rooms. Sometimes I made breakfast for the guests. For me it was a boring kind of job and not interesting. But sometimes I could serve the guests in the restaurant, I liked that better that cleaning. I worked from 8 am to 14 am. One day I had to work in the evening, but that was a bad working time. The hotel looked very nice and the hotel was very clean. But now I know, that this job is not the right one for me.

My future after school

I want to do my apprenticeship as a „Fachkraft für Lebensmitteltechnik“ at Coca Cola, which means something like being a qualified worker in food technology.
This job is very nice, because I can produce Coca Cola products.
My dream is to work at Hachez because I love chocolate.I would like to go into a foreign country.
After this I want to have a little family and live with my family in a nice house. At the moment I wouldn't like to think about my future to much, because I am not worried about it but look forward to it.

The Hamburg Dungeon

The most interesting place I have ever visited was the Hamburg Dungeon in Hamburg.The Hamburg Dungeon is a horror gallery. It can bring harrowing stories into life, and there are a lot of stories. For example bog bodies - no one hears your screams,Hamburg burns in 1842,Störtebeke s execution,storm surge-1717 and extremism: drop ride to doom. My favorite story is Störtebeker´s execution.It is sometimes very creepy. But the people there are very funny.The people there are dirty and they sometimes have blood on their faces.They are scary people :).
I was there twice but it still gives me goose bumps.There are always new rooms,people add new things.The Hamburg Dungeon is very recommendable.But in the summer it is very hot inside the Hamburg Dungeon.

My first internship as a car mechanic /KFZ-Mechatroniker

My first internship was in a car workshop.It was the best work experience, because I have learnt so much about cars.I was in the car workshop for two weeks, I worked from Monday to Friday 8 hours every day. I would like to learn this job, because it is so interesting for me to screw at cars, I like do this and I also learned much about car electronics that you can control with a computer. But it is also a job in which your hands become a little bit cruddy. One day we had to tow a car from Ritterhude and we put it on a trailer.That car was so destroyed that we threw it into the container.

My summer holidays

In my summer holidays I was in Spain with my friends. Before we had worked in our free time in restaurants, then we had saved that money and later we had enough. There were a lot of different and interesting people and we got to know some of them. Every day we went to the beach, to enjoy our free time or we ate ice cream. On all evenings we went to parties and there we danced all of the time, because it was so funny. The food there was nice and we went in a restaurant every day. Sometimes I hoped these holidays would never end, because they have been my best holidays ever.

My country - Denmark

The Kingdom of Denmark is a state in Northern Europe and was founded 980 B.C. The capital is Copenhagen and the official language is Danish. The neighboring states are Norway, Sweden and Germany. the longest river is the Gudena°“, which has a length of 160 km. The biggest lake is the „Arresø“ with an area of about 40 km². The head of the state is Queen Margarethe II.
Many houses have one floor and are made of wood. The beaches are very spacious and not overcrowded. You can releax well, because most houses are far apart. There aren't so many sights,although Copenhagen is a really nice city, but the little „ Virgin of the sea“ is the emblem of Denmark.
My favourite musicians from Denmark are „Aura Dione“ and „Alphapet“,I love the style of clothes in Denmark and I‘m pleased to go there again every year.

California - my dream destination

In my summer holiydays I`m going to visit California with my best friends for two weeks. I would like to see Los Angeles and Hollywood, because it`s very amazing there, I heard. In Los Angeles we would like to go shopping in the shopping street „Rodeo Drive“, there are many nice jewellery shops and I would buy a ring. Some stars go shopping in the Ventura Boulevard. There are expensive furniture stores, designer boutiques,
nice clothes stores and many trendy restaurants. I would like to buy a very special dress, which should be colourful. I think one day we might want to eat in the “Sanctuary” restaurant in Beverly Hills. I hope we will meet some music or film stars and we could take photos of them.

My work experience at a doctor´s

I worked at the pediatrist Dr. Kirschke´s in Lilienthal one year ago. I worked from 8 am to 1 pm and two days a week in the afternoon, from 3 pm to 6 pm. There are 3 employees, they often talked and explained things to me . Every day I sorted index carts, that was nice and I liked it. Sometimes I watched the doctor when he gave vaccinations, I helped withweighing or measuring the size of babies. In the second week I accessed patients, at the beginng I was uncertain, later I liked it and they said I was good at it. The internship was great and they said I could make an education there. I was lucky about the offer, but I don't want to do this for the rest of my life.

After school - my future

After school I will make an education to become a kindergarten teacher at the nursery school in Grasberg. The employees there are so friendly and funny.I think I can win recognition and I am good at at keeping calm, that is important for this job. I like to play games with the children or do handicraft, because I’m very creative. I’m not good at singing, but I think that is not too important. If I want to start learning this job, a pre-condition is that I have a 3 ( C) as a grade in the subject German. The apprenticeship takes 4 years and a disadvantage is that I don’t earn money in this time. The future prospects of this job are very good, because there will always be nursery schools and I can get along well with children.

Donnerstag, 14. April 2011

After school - my future

After school I want to work in an advertising agency. I want to move in with my boyfriend and later we want to marry. It will be a big church wedding with all our friends and relatives and my wedding dress will be a vision in white. We will pass our honey moon in the USA. After one year I will have twins, a boy and a girl. We will earn much money so we can buy all the things we want to. But we won't let the children know how much we earn and they won't be spoilt. Together we will get old and buy a mansion at the beach in California. Our children and grandchildren will visit us every year at Christmas time.

After school - fashion design

At the momentI still go to school. After school I would like to continue my schooling and go to college, but I am not sure.
My dream is to study fashion design. Since my childhood times I dream of this. I want to design clothes like trousers, bonnets, evening dresses and more. This job fascinates me. After school and college, I want to work in a big agency or international company. I want to design fashion that people can really wear, I do not want to design strange clothes.I want to design fashion for everybody, for women and men, fold people, kids,teenager and for fat people. That will really make me happy when the people are content. And by the time I will get married and have two children, one boy and one girl.

Mittwoch, 13. April 2011

My work experience as bank clerk

My second work experience was in the savings bank. At first, they showed me the bank branch. My responsibilities were for example to sort the bank transfers and to make the coffee in the morning. The telephone rang almost all the time, so I had to accept some of them or relayed them to the employee, if I couldn't help the customers. Sometimes, I could attend the customers, if they came into the bank and wanted to get help for example with the international transfer. Everyday, I had to write a daily report with the times and the activities. I worked from 7:30 a.m to 1 p.m. Finally, the work experience was very instructive and exciting.I think about applying, but I guess I have to go with school, because at banks or saving banks most apprentices have got the Abitur.

Work experience

My first work experience , I made as cabinet maker.It was ok , sometimes it was boring but I was free to cut some tablelags or other things.I painted some chairs and some tables.I had one breakfest and one lunch break. In the breaks I talked with my partners or colleagues. The work day began at 7 o´clock and the end of the day was at 4 pm. My boss was very friendly to me.I have built a new mailbox for my home. I also helped my partner to built a oakboard.One day I was with my partner at a consumer.There we changed an old frame into a new frame.

Work experience as a painter

My second work experience was as a painter. It was very exhausting because I had to be there at 6.30 am and I came home at 5.00 pm. And I am not so strong as a boy, of course. It was a little firm with only two people, the boss and a trainee. The trainee is the older brother of one of my friends, so I knew him before the work experience started and we had a lot fun and made jokes. My exercises for these two weeks were to paint some planks, paint a wall and when the trainee was at school I did all the things which he had to do. This was my best work experience and I'll never forget it.